84 research outputs found

    3D animation applications in descriptive geometry teaching

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    The use of digital technology includes an interdisciplinary approach. The focus is on fusion of different media and genres into new forms of artistic expression as well as transcending the boundaries between art and education, the arts and research. Teaching descriptive geometry using animation softwares enables development of the ability of spatial representation, perception and understanding of space. The specific contribution is in the education by working with 3D animation for students of art and engineering field of technical - technological group of students. We emphasize the importance of dealing with design dynamically- generated form. Experimental design (freeform) presented on DVD includes: generating a surface with the two profiles as guidelines, generating free form using lattice deformers and generate free-form by the duplicating along curve tool. The key concept of dynamic geometry is to select the item which is then changed position and simutaneously you can see changes in the structure. This ability of movement is fundamentally improvement regard to the drawing on the paper or static CAD models. The movement in animation is captured by sequence of static pictures. If we have the form which changes during the time, we could observe these changes also sequentially. On this way, the form cloud be observed during the morphing in time, and each particular frame could be the base for further development.be observed during the morphing in time, and each particular frame could be the base for further development

    Geometrije konstrukcija putem savremenih tehnologija

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    Contemporary technological development (CAD/CAM/CAE, VR, AR, MR) made conventional methods of Descriptive and Constructive Geometry uncompleted. Application and use of new technologies in Constructive geometry requires educational process with the aim to have complete knowledge of all fields that belong to this area. The aspect and results research shows that knowledge acquired in this way by using new technology, develops students' skills that are very important in senior years of studies, particularly in the field of engineering design. Interactive dynamic 3D geometry could not be achieved by conventional ways of studying. The use of modern technology should enable expanding the fields of research as well as preservation of the theoretical knowledge of descriptive geometry.Razvoj savremenih tehnologija (CAD/CAM/CAE, VR, AR, MR) je učinio tradicionalne metode nacrtne geometrije i geometrije konstrukcija nezavršenim. Primena i upotreba novih tehnologija u geometriji konstrukcija zahteva obrazovni proces sa ciljem da se ima kompletno znanje svih polja koje pripadaju ovoj oblasti. Aspekt i rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da znanje stečeno na ovaj način korišćenjem nove tehnologije razvija veštine studenata što je veoma važno u višim godinama studija, posebno u oblasti tehničkog dizajna. Interaktivna dinamična 3D geometrija ne bi mogla da se postigne tradicionalnim načinima studiranja. Upotreba moderne tehnologije bi trebalo da omogući proširenje polja istraživanja kao i očuvanje teoretskog znanja nacrtne geometrije

    Interpretacija projektantskih rešenja primenom digitalne grafike

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    Contemporary design solutions that move the boundaries of creativity include the use of digital graphics, in order to get innovative graphical interpretation which includes interventions in space using various element, materials and plants, which requires the use of a combination of different software packages .This paper analyzes the combination of the available graphical software for interpretation projects in the context of landscape architecture profession. Model 'Garden' was created in the 'SketchUp' software for the purpose of visual questionnaire and detailed research work in programs for visualization: 'Photoshop' , 'Lumion' and '3DMax'. Combining the two research methods: study graphic interpretation, 'learning by doing' method in software for digital graphic and research public opinion questionnaire ('Single stimulus' method) led to the results which give recommendations for the use of a combination of appropriate software packages.Savremena dizajnerska rešenja koja pomeraju granice kreativnosti podrazumevaju upotrebu digitalne grafike, u svrhu dobiijanja inovativnih grafičkih interpretacija. Pejzažna arhitektura je transdisciplinarna struka, koja podrazumeva intervencije u prostoru upotrebom različitih elemenata, materijala i biljaka, što zahteva upotrebu i kombinaciju različitih softverskih paketa. Ovaj rad se bavi istraživanjem kombinacija dostupnih grafičkih softvera za interpretaciju projekata u okviru pejzažnoarhitektonske struke. Model 'Vrt' je izrađen u 'SketchUp' softveru za potrebe izrade vizuelnog upitnika kao i detaljnijeg istraživanja rada u programima za vizuelizaciju: 'Photoshop', 'Lumion' i '3DMax'. Kombinacijom dve istraživačke metode: istraživanjem grafičke interpretacije, učenjem kroz rad ('Learning by doing') u softverima za digitalnu grafiku i istraživanjem mišljenja javnog mnjenja upitnikom ('Single stimulans' metodom) došlo se do rezultata koji daju preporuke za upotrebu kombinacije adekvatnih softverskih paketa

    Effects of Air Polution on Growth in Schoolchildren

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    The growth is considered a very sensitive indicator of the impact of environment of the health status of children. The aim of the study was to investigate whether air pollution is related to children’s growth. The subjects were 1059 pupils, aged 7–11 years, living for more than ten years in the same home in the city of Ni{ (Serbia). Exposed group of children (N=545) were attending the school located in a city area with a high level of air pollution, while the children (N=514), in the comparison group, designed as non-exposed group, were attending the school in the area with a lower level of air pollution. The air concentrations of black smoke, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and lead in sediment matter were determined in ten-year period. Air pollution is associated with children’s height and weight, specially before the age of 9 years. There was a significant difference in the prevalence of thinness in children exposed to higher concentrations of air pollutants (p=0.038). It might be possible that air pollution negatively contributed to the growth rate in urban children

    Dizajniranje papirnim trakama - primena na dvostruko zakrivljenim površima

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    In this paper, we address the challenge of overcoming the problem of developing doubly curved surfaces in product design. Product design uses two kinds of surfaces, developable surfaces and non-developable surfaces, which are also called singly and doubly curved surfaces, respectively. A developable surface has zero Gaussian curvature at all points, while a non-developable surface has non-zero Gaussian curvature at least in some region. Surfaces of many product design object are commonly created as doubly curved shapes to meet requirements of structure and aesthetic. The problem of creating the planar development of 3D surfaces with double curvature in the product design depends on the shape of the surface and the material of the surface cover. Therefore, the method of deriving a pattern is different when external forces are used in order to generate the plane patterns such as paper strips from the case when the plane shape can stretch or deform to fit on the 3D surface. Given a three-dimensional object surface, the first step of the fabrication process is flattening or planar development of this surface into a planar shape so that the manufacturer can not only determine the initial shape of the object but also estimate the strain distribution required to form the shape depending on a material. The paper is analysing and rationalizing doubly curved surface of a given shape by multiple strips of paper glued onto a surface. Results are addressing possibilities of achieving an overall smooth surface and developing a model for the generation of curvature continuous surfaces composed of paper strip surfaces, as well as generating alternative solutions that are in the domain of contemporary product design. The paper illustrates usability and different variations of the proposed design.Ovaj rad se bavi mogućnošću prevazilaženja problema razvijanja u ravan dvostruko zakrivljenih površi u procesu dizajniranja proizvoda. U procesu dizajniranja proizvoda koriste se dve vrste površi, razvojne površi i nerazvojne površi, koje se, takođe, nazivaju jednostruko i dvostruko zakrivljenim površima. Gausova krivina razvojnih površi u svakoj tački jednaka je nuli, dok je kod nerazvojnih površi Gausova krivina ratzličita od nule pa u nekim delovima površi Gausova krivina može da bude pozitivna ili negativna. Površine mnogih dizajn-proizvoda su često osmišljene kao dvostruko zakrivljene površi kako bi zadovoljile strukturne i estetske zahteve. Problem razvijanja u ravan dvostruko zakrivljene trodimenzionalne površi u dizajnu proizvoda zavisi od oblika površine i materijala proizvoda. Stoga, metod pronalaženja načina za razvijanje dvostruko zakrivljene površi u ravan se razlikuje, kada se spoljašnja sila koristi u stvaranju površinskog obrasca kao što je prisutno kod površi (materijala) koje je moguće deformisati, od slučaja razvijanja površi kreiranih od papirnih traka. Posmatrajući površinu trodimenzionalnog objekta, prvi korak u procesu proizvodnje je razvijanje dizajniranog proizvoda u ravan kako bi proizvođač mogao da odredi ne samo inicijalni oblik objekta, već i da raspodeli naprezanje potrebno za formiranje oblika zavisno od materijala. U radu se analizira i racionalizuje dvostruko zakrivljena površ datog oblika korišćenjem papirnih traka zalepljenih na površinu dizajn-proizvoda. Rezultati istražuju mogućnosti postizanja približno glatke površine i razvoja modela za generisanje neprekidne krive površi sastavljene od papirnih traka, kao i kreiranja alternativnih rešenja upotrebljivih u domenu savremenog dizajna proizvoda. Rad ilustruje mogućnost korišćenja različitih varijacija predloženog dizajna


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    Tulisan ini mencoba menggunakan pendekatan atau perspektif historis dalam upaya untuk mencari model yang asli untuk pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Dengan pendekatan historis ditelusuri pelaksanaan administrasi publik yang bersumber dari adat istiadat Jawa, masa pemerintahan Hindia Belanda dan Masa Republik pada tahun 1945. Pendekatan administrasi yang digunakan dalam adat istiadat Jawa adalah konsensus dan dekrit. Dalam pemerintahan Hindia Belanda terjadi penggabungan antara adat-istiadat dengan berbagai ketentuan yang dikembangkan oleh Belanda. Dalam era Republik terjadi tarik menarik antara peraturan yang bersifat positivisme dan romantisme. Model yang diajukan adalah adanya kombinasi antara adat, peraturan yang berlaku dalam masa kolonial dan peraturan yang dihasilkan dari penguasa yang ada sekarang ini

    Simultaneous determination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in the human plasma by high performance liquid chromatography: Mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS)

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    Background/Aim. Quantitative analysis of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in biological matrices requires sensitive and specific methods which allow determination of therapeutic concentration in μg/mL range. Analytical methods for determination of their concentrations in body fluids described in literature include high performance liquid chromatography coupled to UV detector (HPLC-UV) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The aim of this study was to develop sensitive and specific ultra performance liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS) method which could be used for the spectral identification and quantification of the low concentrations of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in the human plasma. Method. A sensitive and specific UPLC/MS method for amoxicillin and clavulanic acid determination was developed in this study. The samples were taken from the adult healthy volunteers receiving per os one tablet of amoxicillin (875 mg) in combination with clavulanic acid (125 mg). Results. Plasma samples were pretreated by direct deproteinization with perchloric acid. Quantification limit of 0.01 μg/ml for both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid was achieved. The method was reproducible day by day (RSD < 7 %). Analytical recoveries for amoxicillin ranged from 98.82% to 100.9% (for concentrations of 1, 5 and 20 μg/mL), and recoveries for clavulanic acid were 99,89% to 100.1% (for concentrations of 1, 2 and 5 μg/mL). This assay was successfully applied to a pilot pharmacokinetic study in healthy volunteers after a single-oral administration of amoxicillin/ clavulanic combination. The determined plasma concentrations of both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid were in the range of the expected values upon the literature data for HPLC-UV and LC-MS methods. Conclusion. The described method provided a few advantages comparing with LC/MS-MS method. The method is faster using running time of 5 minute, has lower limit of quantification (LOQ ) and it could be used in pharmacokinetic studies of both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid

    The contemporary visualization and modelling technologies and the techniques for the design of the green roofs

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    The contemporary design solutions are merging the boundaries between real and virtual world. The Landscape architecture like the other interdisciplinary field stepped in a contemporary technologies area focused on that, beside the good execution of works, designer solutions has to be more realistic and “touchable”. The opportunities provided by Virtual Reality are certainly not negligible, it is common knowledge that the designs in the world are already presented in this way so the Virtual Reality increasingly used. Following the example of the application of virtual reality in landscape architecture, this paper deals with proposals for the use of virtual reality in landscape architecture so that designers, clients and users would have a virtual sense of scope e.g. rooftop garden, urban areas, parks, roads, etc. It is a programming language that creates a series of images creating a whole, so certain parts can be controlled or even modified in VR. Virtual reality today requires a specific gadget, such as Occulus, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR and similar. The aim of this paper is to acquire new theoretical and practical knowledge in the interdisciplinary field of virtual reality, the ability to display using virtual reality methods, and to present through a brief overview the plant species used in the design and construction of an intensive roof garden in a Mediterranean climate, the basic characteristics of roofing gardens as well as the benefits they carry. Virtual and augmented reality as technology is a very powerful tool for landscape architects, when modeling roof gardens, parks, and urban areas. One of the most popular technologies used by landscape architects is Google Tilt Brush, which enables fast modeling. The Google Tilt Brush VR app allows modeling in three-dimensional virtual space using a palette to work with the use of a three dimensional brush. The terms of two "programmed" realities - virtual reality and augmented reality - are often confused. One thing they have in common, though, is VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language. In this paper are shown the ways on which this issue can be solved and by the way, get closer the term of Virtual Reality (VR), also all the opportunities which the Virtual reality offered us. As well, in this paper are shown the conditions of Mediterranean climate, the conceptual solution and the plant species which will be used by execution of intensive green roof on the motel “Marković”

    The contemporary visualization and modelling technologies and techniques for the design of the green roofs

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    The contemporary design solutions are merging the boundaries between real and virtual world. The Landscape architecture like the other interdisciplinary field stepped in a contemporary technologies area focused on that, beside the good execution of works, designer solutions has to be more realistic and “touchable”. The opportunities provided by Virtual Reality are certainly not negligible, it is common knowledge that the designs in the world are already presented in this way so the Virtual Reality increasingly used. Following the example of the application of virtual reality in landscape architecture, this paper deals with proposals for the use of virtual reality in landscape architecture so that designers, clients and users would have a virtual sense of scope e.g. rooftop garden, urban areas, parks, roads, etc. It is a programming language that creates a series of images creating a whole, so certain parts can be controlled or even modified in VR. Virtual reality today requires a specific gadget, such as Occulus, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR and similar. The aim of this paper is to acquire new theoretical and practical knowledge in the interdisciplinary field of virtual reality, the ability to display using virtual reality methods, and to present through a brief overview the plant species used in the design and construction of an intensive roof garden in a Mediterranean climate, the basic characteristics of roofing gardens as well as the benefits they carry. Virtual and augmented reality as technology is a very powerful tool for landscape architects, when modeling roof gardens, parks, and urban areas. One of the most popular technologies used by landscape architects is Google Tilt Brush, which enables fast modeling. The Google Tilt Brush VR app allows modeling in three-dimensional virtual space using a palette to work with the use of a three-dimensional brush. The terms of two "programmed" realities - virtual reality and augmented reality - are often confused. One thing they have in common, though, is VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language. In this paper are shown the ways on which this issue can be solved and by the way, get closer the term of Virtual Reality (VR), also all the opportunities which the Virtual reality offered us. As well, in this paper are shown the conditions of Mediterranean climate, the conceptual solution and the plant species which will be used by execution of intensive green roof on the motel “Marković”